photo icon1_zpseff71810.png 365 Days With Sara Style: Satisfaction

Sunday, July 26, 2015


I attended a training class for work this past week.  I have always had a love of learning and getting paid to go to class seems like a dream come true!  (Of course, it's only a dream if the person conducting the training is good, and fortunately I thought this person was good).  I  especially like those times when I learn something new, or I hear something that really makes me think.  This type of learning makes me happy.

One thing I made a note of during my class was a question the trainer asked about complacency - 'Does anything great happen when you are complacent?'  I felt I knew what complacent meant, but I wanted an accurate definition. Just in case you were wondering, the best definition I found for complacency  was "...a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better."

After looking at the definition, this question is one of those things that I really thought about a lot more. Some of those thoughts include:

"Being satisfied is not a bad thing."
"But, wanting to make things better is also a good thing."
"What's wrong with being satisfied?"
 "Why isn't satisfaction a great thing?"
 "Are people ever satisfied?"
"How can you make things better if you aren't satisfied with the way they are?"
"If you are trying to make things better, but fail, will you ever be satisfied with what you already have?"
Being satisfied and being content don't necessarily mean the same thing.

So, even though I think my teacher simply meant to get people to try to achieve more (it was a work related training after all), the more I thought about what she asked, the more I have thought about what she said.

I'd love to know what you think!  I'd love to hear your thoughts on being satisfied.  Is it a good thing or is it not challenging you to be better?  What do you think about her question?  Does anything great happen when you are complacent?  Is being satisfied different from being content to you?


  1. I think satisfaction is different for many people. Myself, I believe that satisfaction and contentment is very different, yet can be the same. If I am satisfied with something, then it's good enough. But, I am a perfectionist of sorts, so I tend to think "I could have done better". Contentment for me hasn't always come easily. A couple years ago, my one word was CONTENT. I had found myself looking for contentment in others, in things, in successes, in my children...... all to find out that contentment does not come from people, things, etc. My contentment comes from the Lord. He is the giver of all things, and I was looking at the world and not to HIM. When I take my eyes off Him, and put them on my circumstances, or look to others for approval, then I become defeated, discouraged, and discontentment takes over.
    "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phillipians 4:11
    Thanks for this insight into satisfaction!

    1. Piper - I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! I am very similar to you in the fact that I am a perfectionist of sorts. I love the verse you have shared though! I am going to put that on my quote board! Thank you for commenting!
